October 2023 Custom Work
Although City Theatrical manufactures a large catalogue of unique lighting accessories, we also like to do custom work, and can do it incredibly quickly. If you need a custom design or fabrication of metal lighting products, electronic design, LED power supplies, custom wireless DMX installations, or nearly any other challenge that you can come up with, call us and we will help you through it. We’ve done custom work for major TV networks, theme parks, museums, architectural projects, and just about any other type if lighting project you can imagine.
The following projects - custom Accessory Holders for LC Group Beamer Z, custom white Safer Sidearms, and custom Top Hats for Vari-Lite VL3600 Profile IP - that we worked on during October 2023 exemplify the type of custom manufacturing work that City Theatrical does on a daily basis.

Custom Accessory Holders for LC Group Beamer Z
The client required custom Accessory Holders for LC Group Beamer Z lighting fixtures. This fixture does not have an accessory holder and the customer needed to mount a standard City Theatrical Barndoor to it. Our team designed and fabricated these custom Accessory Holders in order to allow a Barndoor to mount to it.
Explore Accessory HoldersProject Type: | Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | LC Group Beamer Z | |
Material: | Stainless Steel |
(Click to expand the image to the right.)

Custom White Safer Sidearms™
The client required custom painted white City Theatrical Safer Sidearms, as they were installing white lighting fixtures as part of their design and asked for custom white hardware to match. Our team powder coated the Safer Sidearms white on the powder coat line in our manufacturing facility, then assembled the Safer Sidearms as usual.
Explore Safer Sidearms

Custom Top Hats for Vari-Lite VL3600 Profile IP
The client required custom City Theatrical Top Hats for an architectural installation in which Vari-Lite VL3600 IP light fixtures were used. The customer needed more beam control than the fixture could provide, so our team designed a Top Hat to improve the performance. These were the first VL3600 Profile IP accessories that City Theatrical has ever made.
Explore Vari-Lite AccessoriesProject Type: | Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | Vari-Lite VL3600 Profile IP | |
Material: | Aluminium |
(Click to expand the images.)
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Gutenberg! The Musical!
October 2023. Lighting Design by Jeff Croiter. Products used included DMXcat® Multi Function Test Tool, QolorFLEX® LED Tape, QolorFLEX Dimmers, Standard Top Hats, Vertical Extension Tubes, Blacktak™ Light Mask Foil, Safer Sidearms™, Sandwich Holders, Mac Aura Top Hats, and 10" Boom Base.
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