December 2023 Custom Work
Although City Theatrical manufactures a large catalogue of unique lighting accessories, we also like to do custom work, and can do it incredibly quickly. If you need a custom design or fabrication of metal lighting products, electronic design, LED power supplies, custom wireless DMX installations, or nearly any other challenge that you can come up with, call us and we will help you through it. We’ve done custom work for major TV networks, theme parks, museums, architectural projects, and just about any other type if lighting project you can imagine.
The following projects - custom DINrail Mounts for Multiverse Node and custom Top Hats for Elation SIXPAR 100 - that we worked on during December 2023 exemplify the type of custom manufacturing work that City Theatrical does on a daily basis.

Custom DINrail Mounts for Multiverse Node
The client required modified ETC Desire D22 canopy fixtures with a Multiverse Receiver Card for wireless DMX/RDM for an architectural installation. They also required custom DINrail mounts for Multiverse Node units. Our team designed and fabricated these custom DINrail mounts and installed wireless DMX in the canopy fixtures as desired by the client.
Explore Multiverse wireless DMX productsProject Type: | Architectural | |
Fixture Type: | ETC Desire D22 | |
Material: | Aluminium DINrail mounts for Multiverse Node |
(Click to expand the image to the right.)

Custom Top Hats for Elation SIXPAR 100
The client required custom Top Hats designed to fit Elation SIXPAR 100 light fixtures. The Top Hats had to be surface mounted and made out of stainless steel, such that they were IP67 outdoor rated for a themed entertainment project. Our team designed and fabricated the Top Hats for Elation SIXPAR 100 to fit the size, mount, and material specifications provided by the client.
Explore Top HatsProject Type: | Themed Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | Elation SIXPAR 100 | |
Material: | Stainless Steel |
(Click to expand the image to the right.)
View more Custom Manufacturing work by City Theatrical, month by month.
Gary Fails Retirement Interview
Our founder Gary Fails is retiring in December 2023 after 37 years at City Theatrical! Learn more about his career, why he started City Theatrical, his leadership learnings, and what he has planned for his future, in this retirement interview with Gary Fails.
Read Gary Fails' Retirement InterviewYear in Review
Discover the 11 interviews, nine case studies, nine new products, 13 Wednesday Matinees, 12 trade shows and events, and one company acquisition, that made up City Theatrical's 37th year in business, in our 2023 Year in Review.
Explore 2023 People, Projects, and ProductsSpamalot
December 2023. Lighting Design by Cory Pattak. Products used included Multiverse® Transmitter, Multiverse Nodes, DMXcat® Multi Function Test Tool, QolorFLEX 5x8 Dimmers, QolorFLEX 5x2.5A Multiverse Dimmers, QolorFLEX NuNeon®, Source 4 Top Hats, Short Top Hats, Martin MAC Aura Concentric Rings and Safer Sidearms™. Software used includes Moving Light Assistant™.
Explore recent Wednesday Matinees