February 2024 Custom Work
Although City Theatrical manufactures a large catalogue of unique lighting accessories, we also like to do custom work, and can do it incredibly quickly. If you need a custom design or fabrication of metal lighting products, electronic design, LED power supplies, custom wireless DMX installations, or nearly any other challenge that you can come up with, call us and we will help you through it. We’ve done custom work for major TV networks, theme parks, museums, architectural projects, and just about any other type if lighting project you can imagine.
The following projects - custom cut QolorFLEX NuNeon strips, PAR36 Halogen Light Bulb Holders, and Robe Light Master Standoff Hinge and Mount Plates - that we worked on during February 2024 exemplify the type of custom manufacturing work that City Theatrical does on a daily basis.

Custom Cut QolorFLEX NuNeon, Tunable White HiQ High CRI
The client required 111 total lengths of custom cut QolorFLEX NuNeon, Tunable White HiQ High CRI (P/N N914-H27006500-5) with dimming control provided by 100 QolorFLEX 5x8A Dimmers (P/N 5809) for an exhibit at a high-end fashion event in New York City. The City Theatrical team custom cut the QolorFLEX NuNeon strips to the specifications provided by the client.
Explore QolorFLEX NuNeonProject Type: | Live Event | |
Fixture Type: | N/A | |
Materials used: | QolorFLEX NuNeon, Tunable White HiQ High CRI, 111 strips | |
QolorFLEX 5x8A Dimmers (PN 5809), 100 units |
(Click to expand the images to the right and below.)

Custom PAR36 Halogen Light Bulb Holders
The client required custom PAR36 halogen light bulb holders for use on a Broadway show. The City Theatrical team designed and fabricated the custom bulb holders to fit the size specifications desired by the client.
Explore Beam Control Accessories

Custom Robe LightMaster Standoff Hinges and Mount Plates
The client required custom Robe LightMaster Standoff Hinges and Mount Plates for use on a Broadway show. The City Theatrical team designed and fabricated the custom hinge and mount plates to fit the size specifications desired by the client. This was a very fast turnaround job as the client required these parts urgently.
Explore Hardware AccessoriesProject Type: | Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | Robe LightMaster | |
Material: | Aluminium |
(Click to expand the image to the right.)
View more Custom Manufacturing work by City Theatrical, month by month.
Days of Wine and Roses
February 2024. Lighting Design by Benjamin Stanton. Products used included Multiverse® Transmitters and Multiverse Nodes for wireless DMX/RDM, QolorFLEX® 5x2.5A Multiverse Dimmers, Standard Top Hats, and Safer Sidearms™.
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