QolorFLEX Training at Local 479 Atlanta
City Theatrical Sales Manager Harrison Hohnholt presented a four-hour training on using QolorFLEX LED Tape and Dimmers for television and film lighting professionals at the IATSE Local 479 in Atlanta, Georgia on September 17, 2022.

Hands-On Soldering
The training had a strong emphasis on soldering LED tapes. There were 17 participants, many of whom are professional film electricians and fixture coordinators, who were able to gain practical hands-on LED tape skills that can be applied on current projects.

Training that Transcends
This City Theatrical QolorFLEX LED Tape and Dimmers training comes as a follow up to the eight-hour Multiverse wireless DMX/RDM IATSE trainings held pre-COVID era, most recently during February 2020.
Friends in IATSE Local 479, we thank you for your participation, and wish you all the best of luck in the field! See you again next time.

Want to learn more?
Read more about IATSE Local 479.
Interested in hosting a professional training session? Request a demo here.