November 2022 Custom Work
Although City Theatrical manufactures a large catalogue of unique lighting accessories, we also like to do custom work, and can do it incredibly quickly. If you need a custom design or fabrication of metal lighting products, electronic design, LED power supplies, custom wireless DMX installations, or nearly any other challenge that you can come up with, call us and we will help you through it. We’ve done custom work for major TV networks, theme parks, museums, architectural projects, and just about any other type if lighting project you can imagine.

Custom Hangers for Four Cell Strand Aurora Fixture
The Strand Aurora Four Cell fixture is only 12” wide but is designed to hang from two points. Our customer asked us to design a hanger that would allow the units to be hung from one central clamp. We cut steel bars on our Amada fiber laser that the customer could bolt on to the units, allowing a simpler way to hang them.
Explore Hangers
Project Type: | Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | Strand Aurora Four Cell | |
Material: | Steel |

Custom Accessories for Vari-Lite AURORA LED STRIP, 4 Cell

Custom Top Hats for Elation PROTEUS MAXIMUS
Our customer needed us to design and build custom top hats for Elation Proteus Maximus IP rated moving lights. Our designers and fabricators created these unique beam control accessories even though the fixture did not have any easy accessory mounting points.
Explore Top Hats
Project Type: | Entertainment | |
Fixture Type: | Elation PROTEUS MAXIMUS | |
Material: | Aluminum |

Custom Top Hats

Shown on fixture

Custom Cross Baffle Top Hats for ETC Irideon fixtures
We created this custom cross baffle top hat for an ETC Irideon fixture. Cross baffles are often used in architectural settings such as museums. We designed, prototyped, and produced these stylish accessories to meet our customer’s needs.
Explore Cross Baffle Top Hats
Project Type: | Architectural | |
Fixture Type: | ETC Irideon FPZ | |
Material: | Aluminum |

Custom Cross Baffle Top Hats

Custom Angled Louvers
Our customer asked us to design and fabricate custom angled louver panels to shape the beam and reduce the viewing angle to an architectural lighting fixture. These louvers required a complex, angled, “ice cube tray” design. Our designers created interlocking laser cut pieces that were assembled by hand, then carefully TiG welded to hold them together solidly. Finally, we coated them flat black on our conveyorized powder coat system.
Explore Louvers
Project Type: | Architecture | |
Fixture Type: | Architectural fixtures | |
Material: | Aluminum |

View more Custom Manufacturing work by City Theatrical, month by month.
12 Days of Holiday Lighting Projects
Explore twelve festive lighting installations from our collection of Designer Interviews, Case Studies, Wednesday Matinees, Product Videos, and more, to count down to the holidays.
Holidays page